Diaspora2Caribbean Innovations (D2CI) looks to bring the Caribbean diaspora closer to the Caribbean, hoping to create development & collaboration within both areas. Our services include consulting, research, & advising. Projects under D2CI include Revolution, the Clothing Brand & the Revolution in the 21st Century Caribbean writing series.

Aiming to connect the Caribbean Diaspora to the Caribbean…


Revolution in the 21st Century Caribbean

This writing project examines different issues plaguing the region through various topics & case studies. The main goal of the writings will be how the Caribbean would bring about change and solve different issues plaguing its people. Of note, the ideas are not perfect, however, they are a start. Without further ado, please take a step forward into the revolution.

Revolution, the Clothing Brand

Revolution stands for a change in the status quo for the betterment of people everywhere. Revolution is a cultural and societal movement, one that seeks unity for positive change. Revolution is a brand that hopes to unite & give back. Over half of profits from sales will go towards African American and/or Caribbean-based community organizations. We look towards the future, in making the world a better place for Black & Caribbean lives.

“I am at the tip of the spear that leads into the future… I am a Caribbean, yes I!

I am a Caribbean” 

— Peter Minshall